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"5 Stocking Stuffers for Your 2020"


5 Stocking Stuffers for 2020

Dear Talent,

Last Sunday after sharing some thoughts with you, I began reflecting on the start of my career in Radio Broadcasting...about how really scary it was to move all the way from the Chi to Yazoo City, Mississippi. What?! Where?! Ok...

At 21, right after college, (no gap year), I became a renter of a Blind lady and her partially blind son, in a roach infested small home with their one dog (who's poop it seemed they weren't aware of, did I mention the roaches? ...and they loved watermelon, which kept the roaches very happy) Anyway, they were super nice people and I was more than happy to help out. Little did I know, I was already beginning to pay dues. You know the saying, if only I knew then what I know now? Get over it, because that will not happen. I never would have moved where I would wake to a crowing rooster who woke me at 4:15 am or 4:30 am on his late day.

Come on, I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago. Not to mention the difference in the train of thought at that time. Don't get me wrong, I met some of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet, but one thing has nothing to do with the other. I was there for a reason, and it was, what it was... Here are some tidbits that I would love for you to remember on your climb to success. I wish someone would have shared certain information with me. Here are my "5 Stocking Stuffers for your New Year"

#1 Make sure that you are really passionate about what you're pursuing and that it's not someone else's dream for you. I ask parents who want their children in the entertainment business all the time, "Does your child want or show a love for the TV and Commercial Industry? Especially with a child, they have to love people and have a natural patience.

#2 Is this something you're willing to uproot and move to Yazoo City Mississippi for? I never knew what red dirt looked like? What Sweet Tea was? What a Juke Joint was...but guess what? Being introduced to all of that and more, made me the person I am today. Remember, every experience, good or bad is adding to the fiber of your character, and that's why you are, and are going to be, the very best at what you do.

#3 Listen to your gut! You know, second guessing is something that we all do, there have been many occasions that I wished I had listened to my heart and not my head; whether it was dealing with certain people or choosing certain monologues for an audition piece. Hindsight has shown me that instinct has always been the right way to go. That inner voice is usually right.

#4 Don't listen to the Haters! The worst thing you can do is to listen to someone who has no experience at what you're doing, no real career path of their own, and frankly someone who is intimidated at the fact that you just might make it. Please!

#5 Do You, my love. It's that simple. When you start following your heart, listening to your gut, you will begin to see things materialize before you know it. Expect great things. Walk in the right direction alone, rather in the wrong direction with misguided and ill willed individuals. They are out there. Nuff said.

Much love,

GiGi Hightower

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