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Be Bold

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

"Be Bold"

Dear Talent,

First of all, I'd like to thank those of you who responded to last Sunday's post "5 Stocking Stuffers for 2020". To some of you I say, I can understand that you feel "the Struggle is too Real", and that you want to give up"; I appreciate that some of you are "feeling motivated and can't wait to do "Big Things in 2020"; I appreciate your sharing the fact that "the support you once had, no longer exists and you don't know who to trust anymore". All of those emotions are real, and normal. I'm here to encourage you to Be Bold! Your response encourages me, as I continue to encourage you.

Your road to success requires you to Be Bold; not an arrogant Boldness, but a Boldness filled with Confidence, Humility and Concern for others. I strongly believe that without those three attributes, the type of success that you deserve will never come your way. Our biggest concern should be, what have we done to help someone else along our journey to success. Karma has a certain way of paying us back in great and not so great ways.

Be Bold enough to not concern yourself with what's happened in the past or with those who choose not to take this journey with you. It's really ok, let them walk their walk...besides, you don't have the time nor the inclination to deal with an energy that doesn't match yours.

To the young lady raising 2 children on her own but is somehow finding a way to continue to audition and land roles? Sweetheart, you are a Bad Mama Jama and an inspiration to all of us! Continue to Be Bold! Nothing can stop you, if you don't stop for anything.

As we walk into 2020 Being Bold and owning our growth, our happiness, our health, and our prosperity...I urge us to remember to always do so with Confidence, Humility and Concern for others. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make at least one person smile everyday, make that person glad that they encountered you on that day. Trust me, it's magical.

Walk in your boldness with pride and never shrink your personality to make others feel comfortable, make them grow their personalities so that they feel comfortable being around a Bold personality. I believe in you! Great things are headed your way! You have work to do and each hurdle will build your Boldness. Now is the time to dig in baby! As Kelly Price says "It's your time to Shine"! Let's Be Bold together! Til next Sunday...Nuff Said.


Much love, GiGi Hightower

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