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Kindness is Good

Kindness is Good

I get it, it's not always easy to be kind, but what I'm suggesting is so much bigger than just being kind. It's about the euphoric feeling of performing a simple act of kindness. It's about being the very best person that you can possibly imagine. Your career will excel at a greater pace when you consistently apply the thought of kindness. Your health and your daily existence will absolutely be enhanced. It's been proven. Here are some words that will ensure your successful journey on the road to Kindness: Compassion, humility, honesty, loyalty, considerate, loving, courageous, adaptable, honest, adventurous, generous, relentless, gentle, respectful, nurturing, responsible, helpful, reliable, resilient, peaceful, and caring. Simply put, whenever you're not in the mood to feel kind, I have one more word for you, "KOBE". Time to care just a little bit more.

Nuff said.

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