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Our Finest Moment

Dear Talent, Whew! Here we go! Last Sunday I challenged you to Be Bold and to build your success with Confidence, Humility and Concern for others; to each day make at least one person smile. As we take this blessed stride into 2020 together, let this be Our Finest Moment. Sure, we all look back at the year and reflect...but let that be it. It's time to look forward to the great things that are certainly in store for us! So many didn't make it to this moment; so let this be Our Finest Moment. The moment we say it's time to claim our freedom to be self reliant and to know that anything we do should be moving us forward and not draining our spirit, our happiness. Our Finest Moment is now. The Moment when we put pen to paper, fingers to keys, implement our plans and share thoughts with like minded individuals (and only like minded individuals...your future depends on it). This really is Our Finest Moment. This past year we've experienced SO many things: happiness, deep hurt, regret, fulfillment, peace, anxiety, envy, and the list could last to infinity and beyond (no pun intended). I was talking with my Train Harder Agency Casting (THAC) family today and we kidded each other about whose computer was is the slowest...they swear its mine. They said mine is from the stone age and I told them they don't even know who Fred Flintstone is...and that started a whole conversation filled with lots of laughter, fun and happiness. It was at that time that we knew this is Our Finest Moment. No we don't have the mansion in Beverly Hills or no longer have to monitor the price of gas, or even know how to stretch the next paycheck. However, our mindset is that we still have so much! The ability to build, go out and get, share, roam, love, research, attain, to ponder in Starbucks or Panera's. We are truly Blessed!!! That being said, I want you to know that if no one ever says it to you "You are loved, You are appreciated, You are deserving, You are powerful and You are going to make it", I am saying it to you now. You are all of that and more. When January 1st hits, we will have a New Day, a New Week, a New Month, a New Year and a New Blessing. That simply means, you were born to do this! I am so looking forward to inspiring and being inspired by you in the new year and those to follow. It takes a great deal to be Talent, I'm proud of you. Stop by the site on occasion as we build to do great things in 2020, "Our Finest Moment". Much Love, GiGi

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