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Trouble Don't Last Always

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

Dear Talent,

We're back and we're blessed! Yes, we are in tumultuous times, but please know that trials and tribulations will only build the character necessary for the subsequent trials and tribulations... please know that there's a lot of great stuff in between and ahead. Overall, it all makes you stronger!

Through trouble we must find the way that is (honestly) already there, to keep reaching our goals. Through "Dear Talent Our Next Guest Iz", you can do that because you have a family of love that cares and will listen, advise, and even guide. We are building a family of friends from all over the country who are just like you: in need of community, in need of honest concern, a happy place to share

accomplishments, and setbacks and simply being just in the middle sometimes. We all have a period of growth,'re not alone. That being said, you have the ability to do and surpass anything that your mind, body, and soul can conceive...Please believe it!

Remember this is your home when you are feeling unloved, unsure, and unacknowledged about growing your career. Your dear Talent family is all here to help you figure it out and glide through the challenges it bit easier.

Track Star great, Sha'carri Richardson is surely a perfect example of "Trouble Doesn't Last Always". This is a dynamic young lady!

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